Our Officers

Pictured: Hugh Nguyen (left) Kadence Hicklen (middle left) Spencer Halverson (middle) Tucker Lewis (middle right) Shania Huges (right)

Hugh Nguyen | President

The president of TSA to preside at all meetings; to make necessary committee appointments including the designation of a committee chairperson; to develop with the Executive Committee a program of work for the term of office; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA.

Kadence Hicklen | Vice President

The duty of the vice-president to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; to accept the responsibility of the president as occasion may demand; to serve as chairperson of the TSA Council of State Presidents; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA.

Shania Hughs | Secretary

The duty of the secretary to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; to record proceedings of all meetings; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA.

Spencer Halverson | Treasurer

The duty of the treasurer to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; to keep records and membership reports; and to be available, as necessary, promoting the general welfare of TSA.

Tucker Lewis | Sargent-at-Arms

The sergeant-at-arms to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; to assist in the preparation and control of the meeting place, in the event that a parliamentarian is not appointed by the president; to assist in conducting all meetings according to parliamentary procedure as set forth by the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA.

Owen Dean | Reporter

The reporter to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; to accumulate and keep up-to-date information on the history of the association; to prepare articles for TSA publications, professional magazines and journals, newspapers and other news media; to contact other association members concerning news items for publication; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA.